I’m Back

Dudes!! My hiatus is officially over!

And, to be honest, I am terrified of re-entering society, re-committing to my schedule and re-designing my new normal…I have been locked inside this little bubble of fear, self-doubt and anxiety as I fought the single hardest battle of my life – standing up for myself in a really big way.

I could go on about everything I went through from the day of my rape until now, but that is a story for another day. The one thing I hadn’t considered is what life would feel like after the trial ended.

Am I supposed to be ‘healed’ now?

Why do I still feel shame?

Does my role change from victim to victor?

Am I ready to close this chapter?

Of course, I WANT to close this chapter, to turn the page and start anew, but I have become so used to the battles and the general unfairness of life. And though this chapter does not define me, it was certainly a defining chapter of my life.

I believed that I would come back from this war rehabilitated and ready to take back my life. Unfortunately, life doesn’t really work that way. You get used to hiding from reality because nothing matters but crossing THAT BRIDGE. Now that I am on the other side of it, I’m not even sure where to start. But I do…

I will start with this community. Through all of this, I have been constantly reminded of what it means to be a WILDFLOWER – that I am not alone, I don’t have to do it alone and I’ve never done it alone in the first place. I can’t thank you all enough for all the words of encouragement and the outpouring of support over the past 6 weeks. I think I am finally ready to get back to teaching yoga and sharing what I can, and I hope you join me as I (errr, WE) figure it all out.

I am so stoked for classes to start back up, check out the schedule and come take a class!

Missing you all dearly, and I am so excited to connect!

Sending you all light, love and everything good,

Xx, Kat

PS: If you or someone you know has experienced sexual assault, please speak out:

National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800.656.HOPE

**The photo used (with consent) is of myself, my female lawyers and the women on the jury that listened to my case. So much girl power!


The Phoenix.