Welcome to my blog! I will be talking about all things yoga, and likely all things not yoga, too… I have a lot to say.

Kat Dawson Kat Dawson

I’m Back

Am I supposed to be ‘healed’ now?

Does my role change from victim to victor?

Am I ready to close this chapter?

Of course, I WANT to close this chapter, to turn the page and start anew, but I became used to the battles and the general unfairness of life. And though this chapter does not define me, it was certainly a defining chapter of my life.

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Kat Dawson Kat Dawson

The Phoenix.

I finally admitted to myself that I was not okay, not even a little. I didn’t recognize the girl that I saw in the mirror. I didn’t know joy; all I knew was misery, depression, darkness. I constantly thought about that day in March…quite literally, memories that made me sick to my stomach consumed my every thought. I kept reliving that day over and over and over again in my head, wondering how I could have avoided the tragedy, the trauma, all of it…

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